Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Merchants pride

I do not believe that Shakespeare was being anti-Semitic in the play, Twelfth Night. He was merely going with the times that the play was supposed have taken place. The only reason that Shakespeare put in anti-Semitic comments was because of his more intelligent readers. Because the people who would be reading this play would usually have a better understanding of the Elizabethan anti-Semitic periods in Italy and many parts of Europe. It would not have made much sense for him to make Shylock like the most intelligent and well respected character in the play, because that would have been a complete farse of how it really was. Also, if he was well respected, the play could not of had as much great detail, or even as good of conflicts. Anti-Semitic comments towards Shylock are not put in because of what William Shakespeare believes, but because they make a much better story and cause more interesting conflicts in the play.
Shylock is not seen as a “stupid” Jewish man because Shylock has many areas in the book when he is seen as clever. Such as when they are in the court deciding what the faith of Antonio is. Shylock is doing whatever he can to stick to the bond between them. Shylock is agreeing with the judge that the bond must be fulfilled and every last word must be seen true. When Portia says that they must have a doctor present so Antonio will not die, Shylock responds, “it does not say so in the bond?” Which seems a little harsh, but he is very wise and is fully able to get what he wants by his creativity. Many people may see this act as devilish or horrible, but I do not believe that that is what Shakespeare had intended.
Shylock is also a very wealthy man, which is a compliment within itself. Even though he is one of the few people who can loan money, because he is a Jew, he also does it with very high interest. This does not make him a bad man, it is just showing that he understands business. It’s not doing any harm, because if the Christians were able to loan money with interest, I garentee that they would do it. The man is just trying to make a living, maybe not an honest one, but still, who is? Shylock is not doing anything illegal, he is doing exactly what he deserves. If he is not seen as a citizen of Venice, he might as well rip off the ones who are. Personally I believe that Shakespeare was just equaling out the rights between the Christians and Jews by have such rules and acts in the play. I do not believe that Shakespeare was being anti-Semitic because he was just making his play accurate to the depicted time and place. It is not Shakespeare’s fault that the Jews were treated badly in the time he wrote his play, it was just fact.

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